Sonic adventure- death hill zone

my first attempt at a long winded good trollpasta
the year was 2003 the game cube was quite new about a year old and was quite unpopular as the amount of games were not abundant actually quite the opposite and me thinking 'wow this looks pretty cool' (me being quite un-savy for games news)mostly because it was quite compact compared to previous other consoles such as the N 64 or the dream cast.
the shop I bought it at (Game) had an offer for sonic adventure (the director's cut edition, the only one for the system),Luigi's mansion (one of the launch titles I hear) and batman the rise of Sin Tzu (I knew about this due to the popular comic at the time) but this story is just about sonic adventure, when I got home I set it up and put in batman it was fun but a little irresponsive (mainly due to the controller being new) and then Luigi's mansion that was quite funny I thought (this was due to the ghost buster style hoover) and I got too the baby ghost boss fight I thought it was amusing but did this mean the child was dead? I didn't give it much thought I mean it was a quite lighthearted game so I saved and moved onto the next game sonic adventure, now this I was so happy for, now a bit of back story I LOVE the sonic games I grew up playing the original on the mega drive (genesis for Americans) and this was his first game I think in 3-D which was a bold move on sega's part because I heard about there success with the newer consoles (it was non existent) and well I played quite a portion (up until the snow boarding level) I got a bit bored and explored central plaza I believe it was called and I forgot about it for a few weeks, I later found it behind the TV and I said 'oh yeah this game!' I played it with a friend for a few levels (passing the controller back and forth) my friend's name was John he was a nice guy a bit over active (he had ADHD) and we were listening to some electro pop (I know we both still liked the stuff from the 90's) and it was pretty cool, we started about 7PM and it was now 9PM some pizza about 8PM and we were now eating some ice cream we were about half-way through I would judge and it was great fun....
little did we know of what would come next..
we were doing the casino level and ended the level it was a bit repetitive doing the pin ball mini games but it was over we were treated to a cut scene where I saw sonic going on the train and going to the end of the line but it was not where I would have expected but rather a place where no one would want to go, it was dark (well more gloomy gray than proper dark) and there was trees that had eyes and a mouth that looked reminiscent of famous painting titled the scream, but most terrifying were the realistic imps the game dubbed the place death hill zone but I called it the nether-realm my friend was looking and it was quite strange he stayed still, now this was quite unlike, him usually he'd be talking at about 10-million miles an hour or tapping his feat and humming a tune as well as reading a book or something so I was about to say something when a voice said 'many consequences could follow if you do not follow the rules' it then took a dramatic pause and said 'one of which is becoming one of those nether beasts' I knew the voice but could not place it...
it then screeched 'PLAY ON!' 'OR ELSE.' I feared for my life when I froze in real life, the voice then said 'lets make this more interesting..
I was in the game, I was sonic and I was then put into a platforming part and I misjudged my jump I was now an imp left to wander for all eternity...